Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Allow me to whine just a little bit

I started writing this post whining about something. But by the time I was done, I decided to delete the whole thing and rewrite this.

I wanted to whine about having to turn down this other job. I wanted to whine that, as much as some of my other friends who are having a tougher time finding a job than I would like to scold me for being a showoff-y bitch, I should still be entitled to feel a sense of loss. I was turning down a job I really really really wanted. (It's especially hard to do when the HR guy is so fit! Ok I'm digressing lol)

But yeah...I think the time for being sad over that has passed. Back to looking forward to the other job I really really really wanted - and accepted.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Lazy to read.....agh

There's this application I have to submit for this thing I don't even care if I get selected to go for but I think my school will have my head if I don't submit the application because I already told them I would. But agh! It's so damn tedious.

There are several questions that we have to answer and while they are pretty interesting things I wouldn't mind reading up about...I'm just so damn lazy to do this. Lots of reading 'intelligent' articles and papers and doing my homework before I can actually write a proper answer for it.

I know I don't care about whether I get selected or not. But....BUT....I'm not going to have my name on a form where the answer to a question on current issues and economics is:

"Umm...I guess our economy must be doing fine cuz shopping here is getting better! But we might want to hire better purchasers because they don't have enough stuff that cater to non size 0 and rather short girls - which is what Asian girls really look like."

Haha but yes, I think that's all I'd be able to have as my answer without doing my homework first. Agh.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What do you get...

for a friend's birthday? Ah the usual dilemmas of buying a present. Here's why this one is a little more difficult than usual:
She's one of those secondary school friends I've written about. She was one of the nicer ones but doesn't change the fact that we've probably only had a maximum of 3 superficial conversations in the past five years?

Anyway, she's making an effort to sort of keep in touch and she recently invited me for her birthday party which I guess is pretty nice. The turnoff is, of course, that a bunch of the people I don't particularly want to see from secondary school will also be there. Other guests would be people I don't know at all.

But I've decided I'll be a grown-up about it and just accept the invitation. But here comes my other dilemma: what do I buy for her?

Scarves sound nice but I'm not sure she uses them or what kinds of patterns she likes. Not sure about stuff like lotions or lipstick because I don't think she uses them. Not sure about books because I don't know what she reads.
Gift cards? Everyone goes to Starbucks right? But a RM10 gift card sounds a bit...cheap. Anything more than that, though is a bit insane. How much could you possibly spend there?

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm of the impression that many people don't realise that some of the things they do can be pretty cruel to their pets. I don't always blame owners (by this I mean people who make small errors, not people who knowingly hurt their pets!)- heck I'm not a perfect pet owner myself. But I'm trying and here's me trying to get others to try, too.

So, first issue I'm going to tackle in a series (I hope...do scold me if I get lazy and not follow up!) of posts would be chaining.

I seriously think many people here don't realise that chaining is a form of cruelty to their dogs.

Why is it cruel?

Let's just start from the least awful reason - it's bloody boring for the dog! Yes, you're slowly boring your doggie to death. Who wants to just sit around with a mobility range of only a few feet? He can't run off any pent up energy, can't play....he can only sit there and do nothing.

Okay so second reason - your dog could get tangled up in the chains. At best this would probably mean your doggie might get pins and needles somewhere when you find him like this and untangle him. At worst, your dog might choke to death!

Third reason - and this is a frighteningly common one - people who chain their dogs up outside to dry off after their bath. And I only have one question. WOULD YOU STAND OUT THERE IN THE HOT SUN? To put this into perspective for anyone reading this who isn't from around here - IT'S BLOODY HOT HERE! Your dog isn't some fluffy towel you want to dry in the sun so it smells nice and fresh okay.

I also have another huge problem with tethering your dog outside - he's vulnerable to attack by other animals and also people. Yes, there are a lot of psychos out there who kick dogs, beat dogs, feed dogs stuff that could kill them.

I haven't actually seen this myself, but I've read that chaining your dog for extended periods of time and neglecting it could also cause your dog to become aggressive. Oh yes and of course negligence! How could I have forgotten to mention that? The whole thing about chaining your dog is basically people who do this just want an easy way to sort of 'solve the problem' of having an energetic little ball of fur running all over and having to watch over it. But once chained up, you can forget about your little problem, right? It almost always leads down the slippery slope to negligence.

Anyways, I don't understand why people have dogs if it's not to love them. I mean, you actually have to go out and get a dog, right? Or at some point you must've felt like adopting that stray. It's not like you can accidentally have a puppy or something. So I don't understand why people don't just let them live inside like a part of the family. Yes, they need to be trained and disciplined but isn't that exactly what a pet owner should do? Not just take the easy way out and chain the poor dog up.

For more about chaining, you can read the peta website or this other one I found while doing a little bit of reasearch on the matter.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm too aweseome for this job

Yes I can be arrogant and cocky. And it usually comes out when someone is arrogant and cocky towards me.
I woke up in the morning knowing that I wasn't particularly keen on this job. Low pay, lousy location and not in a field I'm particularly interested in. But heck, they called me. And it's fairly close to home. It'd be my backup job if all the ones I'm really vying for fall through.

Never mind. Trial run for my new shoes that I want to wear for my other interviews.

Anyways the place was okay I guess. Typical small office. I go in and someone immediately sends me to my interviewer. She doesn't strike me as awful...just someone who has been thrown into a position where she has to struggle to maintain some image of awesomeness without having been given the tools to be awesome. Sounds a bit weird right? Okay let me make it a bit clearer.
This was one of the offices of an mnc (a mnc? That sound's weird because pronouncing M sounds like am which sounds like it starts with a vowel which makes it seem natural to say 'an' but do you write 'an' or 'a'?).
Back to point. This was the office of an mnc. I can't even say the usual interview questions were asked. She repeatedly badgered me about why would I want a job that isn't related to chemistry? Why did I choose this job? How did I come here today? (Read: do you possess your own transport?) And after like the first two times of proper, polite answers I really felt like telling her, "Lady did you forget you engaged the services of a recruitment agency and you're the one who sought me out, not the other way around?"
Anyway, next she gives me some no-brainer test. She's all like how some people don't know how to do these things and like as if it's so difficult to understand and so she has to see if I've got what it takes. She gives me a pile of papers and writes down on a blank sheet four things I'm supposed to find out from the stack of papers. When I look at it I feel like laughing.
1. What kinds of documents are these?
Swt. Lady, the answer is written at the top of at least the first page of every document. Are we testing me to see if I went to primary school?
2, 3 and 4 were similarly stupid questions whose answers were found also at least on the first page of every document and also on the cover of the folder. =.= See what I mean about no tools for awesomeness? Aren't these people usually provided with some kind of somewhat standardized test? Oh it gets better...

Of course, what interview at an mnc would be complete without some form of English assessment? What did I have to do? Write an essay about what I did that morning. Just to prove that my written English is as good as my spoken English and that I've got good grammar. Uh...that's why we were forced to take MUET (okay so I'm lazy and stingy and didn't want to take IELTS on top of that) and English papers in uni (She didn't even want to look at the results of these...come to think of it, I'm not sure if she's aware these exams exist.). I felt like writing something really mean, similar to the beginning of this post as my essay. But I behaved myself and saved that for now.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Okay now I've finally figured out what they're called, these pants someone gave me awhile back. They're Aladdin pants! Okay don't laugh at me for being such a fashion dork. Flowy clothes aren't exactly something i normally give a crap about. I'm too short, and not in the petite-big dresses-make-me-look-super-cute way. Anyways for the longest time I couldn't figure out where on earth I could possibly wear these pants to. There was just so much fabric in the middle bit (indicated by the arrow I put on the pic) that I looked like I might be swallowed up by my pants...or like I could carry my little dog in there. Ah one of the few times I hate being short.

Then one day it occured to me that I should probably wear them as like a one piece
suit but didn't think I should try doing that in public for fear of looking like a complete idiot.
But then I saw someone who wasn't very tall or skinny either wearing them exactly that way yesterday. So I guess I can try it out! Yay :)
Or I guess wearing a top underneath wouldn't be such a bad idea either...especially for fat days! I'd totally look like it's just my puffy clothes and it's not that I've got a huge belly. *I hope*
But then again baby doll dresses totally backfired when I was having an awesome skinny day and wore one...and a lousy aunt asked me when my baby was due. WTF. And no she wasn't kidding. She really leaned in close and asked me so discreetly like she'd figured it out and wasn't sure if I wanted the rest of the family to know.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another one crossed off my list

I woke up this morning ready to write a really long rant about people neglecting their pets. Then I got this call and that's all out the window for now. Right now I need to whine about how there doesn't seem to be an awesome...ok I'd settle for a decent... job out there for me.
I was so excited for like about 5 seconds when she introduced herself and which company she was from. "This is it! I'm being called for an interview!"
And then she says that they're not taking any graduates in my field for the position I applied for but would I like a 6 month job more related to my field at their plant in a far far away bit of the country? :(
No I don't.
Jobs at awesome companies with decent pay and benefits and terms...where oh where are you?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Puppies for adoption

A friend of mine has three puppies she needs to put up for adoption. They're really cute and friendly. I went over to see them the other day and they were so shy at first. I was with two other friends, and I think it was the first time so many strangers have come to see them at once. They kept wanting to run back into the house. But by the time we were about to leave, they were scrambling to try to come back out and didn't want us to leave! So cute!!!!!

I don't really have many details just that there are one male and two female puppies for adoption. They're a little over a month old now.
They won't grow very big, if the size of their mother is anything to go by.
My friend adopted their mother, which was a stray, to avoid her being killed.
They didn't know at the time that she was pregnant, though.

They've taken in dogs before and already have, I think, five dogs. So they can't afford to keep all the puppies.

If you're interested, or know of anyone who is, let me know!

But on a side note, please make sure you are able to care for a puppy and give it a good home before you take one in.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dying without internet

It's been killing me that I haven't been able to sit comfortably and read and blog while travelling. Don't kid yourself. Doing these things on the phone just isn't as comfortable. I'd been looking forward to being able to do all these comfortably back home. But I came home only to find that my internet at home is a bit messed up. Ugh. Back to buying a drink to be able to sit and blog *almost* comfortably.
Who gives a crap about unifi if you can't get your regular broadband to be reliable?! =.=