I sure hope I'm not. And I try to be nice, and not judge. But sometimes....it's so freakin' hard not to!
I've read about annoying colleagues before (and written about it). But this...this is a whole new level of awful.
Remember the Self Important Bitch I last wrote about? The thing I find more forgivable about her (as opposed to the next person I'll rant about) is that I don't think she's annoying on purpose. She's like any other person - we've all got our faults and she hasn't quite mastered turning them into personality traits that work for her.
But now front and center we have the Health Freak Girl, let's call her HFG for short.
OMG she is so damn annoying. She is rude in a million ways...actually that kind of sums up everything that's wrong with her.
1. She hums...rather loudly. The worst part is she sits right next to me. The good part is that she's not tone deaf. Actually she's quite spot on with her intonation. But doesn't mean I want to hear her hum some random song.
2. She looks at people's screens uninvited. I know not everyone necessarily has a problem with this. But I do. Today was particularly annoying when I was telling the colleague sitting opposite me about something funny on my Facebook wall, she hears and goes "Ooh" and rolls her chair over to look at my screen. WTF man. Firstly, I wasn't talking to you, and secondly, nobody said you could read it.
3. She answers the phone damn loudly. Like I mean imagine trying to talk over the noise of heavy machinery at a construction site loud. Which is damn annoying if you're actually working.
4. She asks you about something or asks you to do something. And then after sliding over to look at your screen, she repeatedly gives overly detailed instructions like you don't know how to highlight something or press enter. Just freakin' wait, will you? =.= Not like she's damn efficient either.
5. She's always trying to rat out people for things she does herself. You know, little things like youtube-ing when we haven't got anything immediate to do, taking a leisurely walk to and from the place we buy lunch. It's nothing intrinsically bad or wrong. But yes, less than perfect behaviour. But hell she does it too and yet she's always finding ways to try and highlight the fact that other people do it.
Am I a terrible person for harbouring less than nice sentiments for this *AWFUL* person?
I just realised none of this actually explains why she's called the HFG.
You'll find out next time.