Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's that time of year, for holidays and parties...and dreaded spring cleaning.
It's been like this all along. The holiday season (ie. School holidays and Christmas) always closely precedes the more 'serious' festival in my household: Chinese New Year.
Which means my happy haze of waking up and sleeping whenever I feel like it, partying and just plain bumming is always somewhat tainted by the stressful ordeal of putting up with parents who make spring cleaning super duper stressful.
This year, it's even more exhausting. For the first time ever, I'm not having school holidays as I deal with this!
As I write this, I'm sitting on the floor of my room, leaning against my bed. Surrounded by piles of stuff that have been moved from the other room that the hourly cleaner we hired is cleaning. It's beyond me why we have to take the 7.30am appointment. Does nobody else believe that Saturdays are meant for sleeping until, at the very, very least 8am? No, seriously, we made this appointment early and my parents took this slot by choice! WTHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Actually, it's also a little beyond me why we have so much stuff.
Apparently the clutter malaise that permeates this house is quite common (yes, I did some online research on the matter).

Excuse number 1:
I might need this thing later on.
Actually, kind of true. I've been shopping in my own closet lately. I'll write about that some other time.

Excuse number 2:
This piece of junk might become valuable someday.
Actually, also kind of true. You know all that old stuff you pay to see if you're a tourist in this little island of mine? We're locals, obviously that kind of stuff exist in our houses. Then again, you're not paying to see my house, are you?

Excuse number 3:
Honestly, I don't remember anymore. It's too freaking early in the morning to actually remember what I've read all week while bumming around at work with nothing better to do (also the topic of another post, should I feel like writing about it to relive the frustrations of a workplace that is challenging in all the wrong ways).

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