Saturday, September 29, 2012

Doesn't anyone sleep in on weekends anymore?

As I write this, there's a host of blaring car horns going around my neighbourhood. I assume they're the kind that announce the arrival of a wedding party. A custom of a community I belong to, but don't really get sometimes.
I've also been up for more than three hours. It's Saturday morning, by the way. And I actually woke up earlier than I do to get to work most days.


Because there are people who don't seem to know how to appreciate the extra hour or two of sleep one can get on the weekends. Nooo.... instead, they type a million short, sometimes one-word, and unnecessary messages and send, send, send to the Whatsapp group that I have been included in, discussing lunch plans for today.
Why is it the rest of the world doesn't seem to understand that adding an entire series of short, irrelevant and unnecessary crap along with plausibly necessary messages at odd hours is just...rude! You're making a whole bunch of peoples' phones bleep a million unnecessary times.


Okie going back to sleep now.

Well screw you! Thanks for waking the rest of us up to tell us that!!!!!! 

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