Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You give the paparazzi a bad name

Those awesome cameras that are now slung over the shoulders of idiots who don't know how to use them used to be only for people who really did make a living in photography, or at least those who could really call photography their hobby.
While there's nothing really wrong in making awesome cameras available to amateurs, I've found that many of those amateurs (read: people who never really bothered with photography before this), at least the ones whom I know personally, who choose to buy these cameras become annoying idiots who suddenly think that owning that camera makes them pros.
Saturday night was supposed to be awesome. Just some friends getting together to celebrate a friend's birthday and actually socialise after a week of being cooped up in our separate rooms for study week. I'd reserved a table for 7 which obviously means there's room for 8. For some reason, everyone is hell bent on trying to get me to kiss and make up with the annoying photographer in the group. I'd had two fights with him this year alone over his persistent attempts to take hideous photographs of me with his stupid camera (ok the camera might actually be smarter than him). The last one was a month ago resulting in our not speaking to each other. If I told the birthday girl she couldn't invite him along, I'd look like the mean one. What could I do?
Well anyway, here's what happens when you have morons who don't know how to use their cameras and don't care what kind of pictures they take and then post up online:
1. Half the table (that's only because he's not speaking to me. If we were still speaking, it would be...the whole table), can't eat until their plate has been photographed.
2. You can't really talk, sneeze, make funny faces while telling your friends silly stories, look bored etc etc...because the camera vulture is circling waiting to catch you in that otherwise unnoticable instant that you look hideous.
3. There's always someone wandering around the place looking like they're some awsome photographer trying to photograph every single piece of decoration in the restaurant.
4. Group photographs have to be done several times. Once with the smart one who has a normal compact camera which gets instant results, and several more painful times where everyone has to stay in place and wait for an idiot who doesn't know how to operate his camera.
Sorry, but as awesome as those cameras are, nights out are for snapshots of those moments you know why you still remain friends with people you no longer go to school with. Not spending half an hour on a photoshoot with a clumsy idiot of a cameraman.

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