Wednesday, August 18, 2010

$#*(#)@*!(# Moron

Are you a girl? Okay, even if you're not, you can think about this in terms of if you were a girl, or if this was your sister or girlfriend or something.
Some dude graduated from some other uni and is now working. He might be some regular guy, he might be some creep, or he might be an all out nutjob. You have no idea. He contacts the people in your (or your sister's/gf's) university society saying that he used to be part of the same thing in his uni and is interested in just staying active in the field and would like to join their meetings. Fine. But none of you or your other members have met this dude before.
One fine day, you're all planning some activity. It's out of town. In areas you're unfamiliar with. Now this activity that was being planned that's outside regular scheduled meeting times..oh you're the vice chair this didn't know about it. The chairman decided on it without telling you, let alone consulting you. And now tells you we're going and if you don't go, despite the fact that we all know you've got a prior engagement at those times, that's just you skipping yet another activity. Oh but if you don't come, that's just you skipping meetings. But wait! The chairman who failed to even keep you in the loop has a brilliant solution! That dude you all don't know wants to come along! He'll be joining them late..possibly at a time that might accommodate your prior engagement. Why I arrange for you to come with him? He can pick you up. It'll just be the two of you. All the way across the bridge and another half hour of driving in parts of town you don't know to the middle of nowhere.

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