Thursday, December 9, 2010

The wardrobe rut

Jeans and a cute top. That's about as dressed up as I know how to be. Oh and some accessories here and there. The worst part is I don't see why some girls go to class all dressed up and with loads of makeup on. It's bad enough trying to make it on time to 9am class as it is, and everybody's too busy trying to figure out what the lecturer is saying to give a damn about what you look like. And so during the semester, I usually end up not buying any pretty clothes. I'll go to the store, find something, then wonder "When would I ever wear it?" and then put it back.
Then when every holiday comes around, I tell myself it's time to get out of this rut and start dressing up. I really don't want to be that girl who just looks semi decent all the time. So this Saturday, I decided I'd finally be the girl who actually does show up in a little black dress. Except that I started worrying about the possibility that everyone else might show up in jeans. On this little island, there's no telling when you'll be under dressed or over dressed. We have women wearing prom dresses to the mall sometimes, people wearing slippers and jeans to wedding dinners (no, these were not themed weddings...they were regular formal wedding dinners!). There are also times when you go out to dinner with friends and the guys are in their usual attire - t shirts, shorts and flip flops- while the girls will range from those in jeans and a t shirt right to the girl who thought everyone was dressing up and turned up only to find she was over dressed.
So, while I very much do want to stop looking so drab, the idea of being the over dressed nutjob is terrifying. Thankfully I think I've found two others who are attempting the same thing. I'm such a dork. At my age, most girls probably know how to use their little black dress and think of it as the weapon they're most comfortable with in the wardrobe arsenal. No, make it they all seem to have a million dresses that always seem to look just right for the occasion. And here I am...needing the assurance of two other friends that we're all going to show up in LBDs together.

1 comment:

  1. its ok...we all shall once in awhile dont care what ppl might think...just go with what we feel like wearing...afterall we are in our 20ties...time to try out everything fashionable...:D
