Friday, July 30, 2010

Invade personal space much?

Seriously, what is with all these scary people out there these days?
About a week ago, as I was rushing to my violin class, I was stopped by this Korean woman who asked me if I had a religion. (That doesn't sound quite right. How do you ask people that? I'm just repeating what she said but I don't think that's the way to ask someone what their religion is.) I already guessed but her second question confirmed it for me. "Do you go to church?" Well, I thought after 12 years of going to Christian schools I totally knew how to handle this. "Yes." And then I started to walk away. But she wouldn't leave me alone.
Her: Do you read the bible?
Me: Yes. (Really, this isn't entirely untrue.)
Her: Then you know this....
and she opens her book to some verse from the bible and proceeds to quiz me on the meaning of it and whatnot. [Insert ironic expletive here]
Really, she was so insanely persistent. What is this evangelist doing trying to convert someone who supposedly already goes to church?! So I pretend I can't understand her and try to walk away. Which is when this other guy who has been standing by the whole time then asks me to give them my phone number. Yeah. Right. Seriously, don't people know when to stop? Btw, no I'm not against people who are very supportive of their religion. Just don't like people who try to shove it down my throat.

Recently, some creepy dude has been writing seriously creepy stuff on my bff's blog. Like seriously. He claims to be someone we went to school with. And that he's one of her exes. I was there. She had no ex by that name. And definitely none with that level of grammar. Creep. *shudder*

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