Monday, September 27, 2010

Are we there yet?

We're always trying to be something. Trying to be ourselves, trying to be a better version of ourselves, trying to be something we're not...whatever. Just trying to get somewhere. But sometimes, we don't really know where 'there' is and therefore don't even know we've gotten there. Or you know, there are loads of 'theres' (ie goals) you want to reach and don't really take into account the ones you've achieved.
You know those elegant women who always look so perfectly put together with awesome hair that always smells freshly washed and have perfumes that linger lightly without threatening to choke you? Best part is, the ones I admire and want to be like most do it so effortlessly like that's just them. I've always wanted to be something like that. Perhaps not that perfect..but definitely have that awesome shampoo & perfume combo.
My shampoo is just some regular shampoo that isn't too strong so I can wash it after lab almost every day. My perfumes are all presents. But yesterday my man said the sweetest thing - that I had that awesome shampoo and perfume combination. I know it's a biased opinion, and no it wasn't coerced. He just randomly mentioned it to me just before we went hiking.
Point is, you can't ever smell yourself (except when you stink, probably...even that it has to be really bad). It's nice to know that we're usually probably what closer to what we want to be than we think.

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