Saturday, April 23, 2011

Desperate? Or am I just being a snob?

A friend who's been single for awhile after she broke up with her long distance boyfriend whom she'd met because he'd been a friend of a friend, is now sort of seeing a new friend of a friend who's also not living in the same city as us. By sort of I mean I don't know if the two of them have even met in person. I think they'd only even met online because she'd just pretty much turned their common friend's Facebook friend list and photo albums into her personal classifieds section.
Anyways, now she's planning a vacation and he's invited. No, make that the dates and everything were pretty much planned with his and her convenience on highest priority. And if I wanted to go on the trip, too, it would involve a lot of rushing on my part. Which I didn't want. I want to go on a vacation to relax, not stress myself out. Anyways, nobody was particularly bothered about my not going until another girlfriend pulled out. And now they're trying to convince me to go on the trip, which as it turns out has been reduced to the girl, the guy she's after/with/I-don't-know-what-they're-doing, and their two common friends. Can anyone else see the words awkward and uncomfortable hiding behind that line? It's not really all that bad because I've been to school with all four of them at some point or other. But still...I get the feeling I'm being asked to reconsider not going just so she has a roommate to keep up any pretenses that pretend that um...oh hell you know.
Am I just being a relationship snob or is she seeming a tad desperate?

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