Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Letting Go

I will learn to let it go. I just had a huge fight with an ignorant ass who likes to correct the shit out of everyone but finds it inconceivable that there may be something wrong with him, too. One who faults the speaker when he's the only one of all the people listening who misunderstands, and yet cannot accept that he doesn't always come across right either. One who yells at people to shut up and listen to him and let him finish his long-winded version of everything he says, but when people need to express themselves, they must allocate unlimited breaks for him to refute everything they've just said, even if it's just the speaker's opinions and feelings, which everyone is entitled to. How do you argue with one whose purpose in life is to do everything in spite of you? Well, I've had enough of it. Which of course pains me. Morality dictates that one should be accepting of others and carry out your obligations despite the receiver's ungratefulness or just plain obnoxiousness.
But after this fight, I felt the tightness in the left side of my back, the slight discomfort in my left arm. I think this is where I draw the line. No way I'll allow anybody to shorten my life, or reduce the quality of my life. I will not let an obnoxious ass slowly kill me.
This is it. This is the point where I say I couldn't give a shit anymore. He can do and say whatever he likes. It's his problem, his own karma. Fuck it.

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