Friday, June 10, 2011


Okay now I've finally figured out what they're called, these pants someone gave me awhile back. They're Aladdin pants! Okay don't laugh at me for being such a fashion dork. Flowy clothes aren't exactly something i normally give a crap about. I'm too short, and not in the petite-big dresses-make-me-look-super-cute way. Anyways for the longest time I couldn't figure out where on earth I could possibly wear these pants to. There was just so much fabric in the middle bit (indicated by the arrow I put on the pic) that I looked like I might be swallowed up by my pants...or like I could carry my little dog in there. Ah one of the few times I hate being short.

Then one day it occured to me that I should probably wear them as like a one piece
suit but didn't think I should try doing that in public for fear of looking like a complete idiot.
But then I saw someone who wasn't very tall or skinny either wearing them exactly that way yesterday. So I guess I can try it out! Yay :)
Or I guess wearing a top underneath wouldn't be such a bad idea either...especially for fat days! I'd totally look like it's just my puffy clothes and it's not that I've got a huge belly. *I hope*
But then again baby doll dresses totally backfired when I was having an awesome skinny day and wore one...and a lousy aunt asked me when my baby was due. WTF. And no she wasn't kidding. She really leaned in close and asked me so discreetly like she'd figured it out and wasn't sure if I wanted the rest of the family to know.


  1. who the hell gave u harem pants??????'ll look like you have balls >.< nooooooooooo darling plz don't

  2. Haha wat do u mean look like I have balls? I'll look like I'm a ball with a head lol :) But anyway fun thing to wear for erm...nevermind tell you in person hahahaha
